The Difference Between a Statefulset And a Deployment

A Statefulset is a Kubernetes controller that is used to manage and maintain one or more Pods. However, so do other controllers like ReplicaSets and, the more robust, Deployments. So what does Kubernetes use StatefulSets for? To answer this question, we need to discuss stateless versus stateful applications.

A stateless application is one that does not care which network it is using, and it does not need permanent storage. Examples of stateless apps may include web servers (Apache, Nginx, or Tomcat).

On the other hand, we have stateful apps. Let’s say you have a Solr database cluster that is managed by several Zookeeper instances. For such an application to function correctly, each Solr instance must be aware of the Zookeeper instances that are controlling it. Similarly, the Zookeeper instances themselves establish connections between each other to elect a master node. Due to such a design, Solr clusters are an example of stateful applications. If you deploy Zookeeper on Kubernetes, you’ll need to ensure that pods can reach each other through a unique identity that does not change (hostnames, IPs…etc.). Other examples of stateful applications include MySQL clusters, Redis, Kafka, MongoDB, and others.

Given this difference, Deployment is more suited to work with stateless applications. As far as a Deployment is concerned, Pods are interchangeable. While a StatefulSet keeps a unique identity for each Pod it manages. It uses the same identity whenever it needs to reschedule those Pods.

stateful diagram

kubernetes statefulsets illustration

Exposing a StatefulSet

A Kubernetes Service acts as an abstraction layer. In a stateless application like an Nginx web server, the client does not (and should not) care which pod receives a response to the request. The connection reaches the Service, and it routes it to any backend pod. This is not the case in stateful apps. In the above diagram, a Solr pod may need to reach the Zookeeper master, not any pod. For this reason, part of the Statefulset definition entails a Headless Service. A Headless Service does not contain a ClusterIP. Instead, it creates several Endpoints that are used to produce DNS records. Each DNS record is bound to a pod. All of this is done internally by Kubernetes, but it’s good to have an idea about how it does it.

How To Deploy a Stateful Application Using Kubernetes Statefulset?

In below code snippet we are deploying a stateful application. For simplicity, are using Apache as the pod image. The deployment is made up of three Apache web servers; all of them are connected to a persistent volume. Review the following StatefulSet:

kind: StorageClass
  name: www-disk
  type: pd-ssd
  zone: us-central1-f
kind: StatefulSet
  name: webapp
      app: web
  serviceName: web-svc
  replicas: 3
        app: web
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
      - name: web
        image: httpd:2.4
        - containerPort: 80
          name: http
        - name: www
          mountPath: /var/www/html
  - metadata:
      name: www
      annotations: www-disk
       accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
           storage: 1Gi

Before we start discussing the details of this definition, notice that the file actually contains two definitions: the storage class that the StatefulSet is using and the StatefulSet itself.

Storage Class

Storage classes are Kubernetes objects that let the users specify which type of storage they need from the cloud provider. Different storage classes represent various service quality, such as disk latency and throughput, and are selected depending on the scenario they are used for and the cloud provider’s support. Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims use Storage Classes.

Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims Persistent volumes act as an abstraction layer to save the user from going into the details of how storage is managed and provisioned by each cloud provider (in this example, we are using Google GCE). By definition, StatefulSets are the most frequent users of Persistent Volumes since they need permanent storage for their pods.

A Persistent Volume Claim is a request to use a Persistent Volume. If we are to use the Pods and Nodes analogy, then consider Persistent Volumes as the “nodes” and Persistent Volume Claims as the “pods” that use the node resources. The resources we are talking about here are storage properties, such as storage size, latency, throughput, etc.

Provisioning The StatefulSet

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: webapp

The definition starts with the API version that recognizes StatefulSets, the kind of the resource, and the metadata. In this example, we only added the resource name to the metadata, but you can also add labels to identify it further.

  	app: web
  serviceName: web-svc

The next thing we have is the spec, and the spec contains the pod selector. Like other Kubernetes controllers (for example, Deployments and ReplicaSets), StatefulSets use matchLabels to choose and acquire the pods that it should manage.

We also have a reference to a service that we are yet to create, the Headless Service that provides access to our pods.

replicas: 3

The replicas object defines how many pods will this StatefulSet create.

The pod template defines how the pods get created. It contains the labels that the pods have (they must match the pod selector).

    	app: web
  	terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
  	- name: web
    	image: httpd:2.4
    	- containerPort: 80
      	name: http
    	- name: www
      	mountPath: /var/www/html

The pod template spec part contains the terminationGracePeriodSeconds. This setting defines how long should Kubernetes wait after sending the shutdown signal to the pod before forcing deleting it. Kubernetes strongly recommends that you do not set this value to 0 (disabled) as pods in a StatefulSet are usually parts of clusters and should be allowed enough period to do a clean shutdown.

The containers part defines the image that this container uses (Apache httpd:2.4 in our case) and the port that the container will listen on (80).

The volumeMounts part is where you define the Persistent Volume Claim. The name of the volume claim is essential here, and it must match the VolumeClaimTemplate. It also represents the mount point that will be used inside the pod to access the persistent disk (/var/www/html).

  - metadata:
  	name: www
  	annotations: www-disk
  	accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
      	storage: 1Gi

Creating The StatefulSet

Now that we have the definition file in place, we can use kubectl to apply it as follows:

kubectl apply -f manifests/apache_stateful.yaml

Since the definition file contains a StorageClass and a StatefulSet resource, the following output is displayed: created
statefulset.apps/webapp created

Our resources are available. Let’s see whether or not we have pods:

kubectl get pods
webapp-0   0/1 	ContainerCreating   0      	8s

You may notice two things here: (1) there is only one pod created while we asked for three, and (2) the pod name contains the StatefulSet name.

This is the expected behavior. The StatefulSet will not create all the pods at once, like a Deployment, for example. It maintains order when starting and stopping the pods. Since StatefulSets maintain the pod identity, the pod name is the StatefulSet name followed by an incremental number.

Wait a few seconds and issue kubectl get pods again, you should see an output similar to the following:

webapp-0   1/1 	Running         	0      	43s
webapp-1   0/1 	ContainerCreating   0      	11s

Later on, the output becomes:

webapp-0   1/1 	Running   0      	112m
webapp-1   1/1 	Running   0      	111m
webapp-2   1/1 	Running   0      	111m

All our pods are now started.

Creating a Headless Service For Our StatefulSet

Right now, the pods are running. But how can a web server access another one? This is done through the Service, so we need to create one. Review apache_stateful_service.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: web-svc
    app: web
  - port: 80
    name: web
  clusterIP: None
    app: web

Notice you are specifying the service name and the pod selector labels to match the ones that you defined in the StatefulSet definition file.

Create the service by using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f manifests/apache_stateful_service.yaml
service/web-access-svc created

Listing The Created Components

Let’s have a look at the created components:

$ kubectl get statefulset
webapp   3/3 	21h
$ kubectl get pv
NAME                                   	CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM              	STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
pvc-077a1891-a25b-11e9-9ecf-42010a800184   1Gi    	RWO        	Delete       	Bound	default/www-webapp-2   www-disk            	21h
pvc-e79d8843-a25a-11e9-9ecf-42010a800184   1Gi    	RWO        	Delete       	Bound	default/www-webapp-0   www-disk            	21h
pvc-fa398e2a-a25a-11e9-9ecf-42010a800184   1Gi    	RWO        	Delete       	Bound	default/www-webapp-1   www-disk            	21h

We have the Persistent Volumes

$ kubectl get pvc
NAME       	STATUS   VOLUME                                 	CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
www-webapp-0   Bound	pvc-e79d8843-a25a-11e9-9ecf-42010a800184   1Gi    	RWO        	www-disk   	21h
www-webapp-1   Bound	pvc-fa398e2a-a25a-11e9-9ecf-42010a800184   1Gi    	RWO        	www-disk   	21h
www-webapp-2   Bound	pvc-077a1891-a25b-11e9-9ecf-42010a800184   1Gi    	RWO        	www-disk   	21h

And the Persistent Volume Claims. Let’s see how we can connect and use our pods.

Connecting One Pod To Another Through The Headless Service We need to test our setup. Let’s open a bash shell to one of the pods:

kubectl exec -it webapp-0 bash

The httpd image isn’t shipped with curl by default, so we need to install it:

apt update && apt install curl

Once it is installed, we can try connecting to the Service:

curl web-svc
root@webapp-0:/usr/local/apache2# curl web-svc
<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>>

This is the default page that Apache displays. The Service is routing the request to the backend pods.

The StatefulSet is all about uniquely identifying pods. So, let’s try connecting to a specific pod:

curl webapp-1.web-svc
root@webapp-0:/usr/local/apache2# curl webapp-1.web-svc
<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>

By prefixing the service name to the pod name, you can connect to that specific pod.

Deleting The StatefulSet

We start by deleting the Headless Service:

kubectl delete -f apache_stateful_service.yaml
service "web-svc" deleted

To delete the StatefulSet with the Persistent Volume and the Persistent Volume Claims, we use the definition file:

kubectl delete -f apache_stateful.yaml "www-disk" deleted
statefulset.apps "webapp" deleted

The controller honors the ten seconds grace time and gives the pods time to clean up. In our example, Apache should not take more than a few milliseconds to shut down. But, if it were serving thousands of requests, it would take more time to terminate.